Our Mission: To lead and support Colorado's effort to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond to and recover from all hazards events.

Our Vision: A prepared, safe and resilient Colorado!




DHSEM Quick Links

The content boxes below include quick links to information most requested by our community and stakeholders.  Simply click on the topic within the box below to be connected to additional content on our website.


What's New

Message from OEM Director Mike WillisI am pleased to present the updated Office of Emergency Management Strategic Plan for years 2023-2026. I am grateful for the time and effort you have put into implementing this plan over the past year and appreciate your efforts to refine it. This plan is divided into two key parts. 


The information below is shared by the State Mitigation Hazard Officer. 
The NameDrop feature in Apple’s latest operating system update has created a lot
The Colorado Post-Wildfire Guide is a consolidated resource intended to assist individuals, families, and communities as they prepare for and recover from a wildfire, and then determine the next steps in planning for post-wildfire hazards and navigating the recovery process.