Governor Polis Applauds White House Budget Supplemental Request & Urges Congress to Avoid Federal Shutdown

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

DENVER - Governor Jared Polis reinforced the urgent need for Congress to pass the White House’s supplemental budget request to Congress to provide resources to interior states to assist with the influx of migrants to states like Colorado, fund border security and to help crack down on fentanyl moving across the border. Governor Polis has signed state laws to address the fentanyl crisis and Colorado urges Congress to take further bipartisan action to keep the government open. 

“I urge Congress to pass President Biden’s budget request to help secure the border and combat the scourge of fentanyl in our communities. I have spoken with the White House and Secretary Mayorkas on the urgent need for interior states like Colorado to receive federal assistance to help address immigration and how we can work on bipartisan solutions to secure the border, and I appreciate their leadership. Now we need Congress to act,” said Colorado Governor Jared Polis. 

