Governor Polis Statement Following Call with President-Elect Biden & Vice-President-Elect Harris

Thursday, November 19, 2020

DENVER - Governor Polis participated in a call with President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris today as part of the National Governors Association Executive Committee. 

“I was honored to join a bipartisan group of Governors from across the country and political spectrum in speaking with President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris today. This was a productive conversation and look forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration to build back stronger and hope the new administration will design a cogent national strategy on PPE urge Americans to do their part by wearing masks, provide additional resources for our students and schools, continued funding of the Colorado National Guard and funding for the deployment of a vaccine. It is my hope and the hope of many parents and students in Colorado that the Biden-Harris administration quickly implements a national strategy to ensure schools will be open for in-person learning as soon as possible. The reality is that we can't wait for the next administration, we really have to boldly and swiftly respond to the unique challenges of this pandemic which is why I am calling the state legislature back for a special session focused on providing COVID relief for Colorado families and small businesses during the challenging winter months ahead.”
