Governor Polis & First Gentleman Reis Recovering from COVID-19

Friday, December 4, 2020

DENVER -  Last week, Governor Polis and First Gentleman Marlon Reis learned that they tested positive for COVID-19 and continue to isolate in their home.  Governor Polis and First Gentleman Reis experienced mild symptoms in the form of lack of sleep and minor headaches, and remain in good spirits. 

“Marlon and I are thankful for the support and kind words we have received during this time. We continue to hold those who have lost a friend or family member to this deadly virus in their hearts as well as those who have dealt with the more severe and lingering health effects,” said Gov. Polis. “Colorado will get through this and we have to stay vigilant for a little bit longer so please continue to wear masks, social distance and avoid gatherings.”

Gov. Polis will continue to work remotely until he is no longer contagious and is cleared by doctors to be around others. Once cleared, Governor and First Gentleman are expected to be able to resume in person activities on or around Wednesday, December 9. The Governor encourages the private sector and local governments to do everything they can to work remotely, a key tool in reducing transmission of COVID-19.