Governor Polis Statement on Senate Official Rejecting Inclusion of Immigration Reform in Reconciliation Package

Monday, September 20, 2021

DENVER - Today, Governor Polis released a statement following reports that the Senate Parliamentarian ruled that a path to citizenship for immigrants can not be included as part of its current Congressional reconciliation package.

In July, Governor Polis called on Congress to provide a pathway to earn citizenship for hardworking aspiring Americans who have helped our country step up to the challenges of the last year and a half. As part of this letter, the Governor urged Congressional leadership to act now by including a pathway to earn citizenship through the reconciliation process. 

“I am extremely disappointed by this decision which went against efforts to provide a pathway to citizenship through the reconciliation process. Our immigration system needs to be fixed, and that as a nation of both laws and a vibrant immigrant community, Congress needs to find solutions that allow hardworking immigrants, including those who have been granted DACA, a path to citizenship,” said Governor Polis. “I urge Congressional leadership to find solutions to improve our immigration system - this includes enhanced protections at our borders and a humane approach that embodies the values our nation was built on.  Every day, Colorado’s immigrant communities enhance our lives and make our state a better place to live. We need to fix what has long been broken and offer a pathway to citizenship for our important immigrant community.”