Gov. Polis Welcomes Biden Administration’s National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

Friday, March 4, 2022

DENVER - Last week, Governor Polis unveiled “Colorado’s Next Chapter: Our Roadmap to Moving Forward,” outlining Colorado’s proactive and innovative plan to keep Coloradans safe and healthy and maintain a level of healthcare preparedness, and urged the federal government to implement a national strategy for long-term COVID planning. Governor Polis today welcomed the Biden Administration’s National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, which reflects many of Colorado’s nation-leading approaches to saving lives while caring for the social, mental, and economic well being of all Coloradans. 

“We are maintaining safe and healthy communities, growing our strong economy, and ensuring every Coloradan can thrive, and we applaud President Biden for responding to our call for a national long-term COVID-19 strategy. It is great to see so many of Colorado’s data-driven strategies are also included in the federal plan,” said Gov. Polis. 

The Biden Administration’s plan echoes Colorado’s commitment to maintaining public health infrastructure and surge capacity, building and sustaining the healthcare workforce for the future, maintaining supply stockpiles including PPE, testing, and other critical supplies for emergency response, prioritizing equity by lowering barriers to tests, vaccines, and treatments to underserved communities, and improving air quality in schools and public spaces.