What Colorado Leaders Are Saying about New Laws Signed by Gov. Polis Today to Support Successful Careers & Protect the Colorado We Know & Love for Generations to Come

Friday, May 27, 2022

WESTCLIFFE - Today across Colorado, Governor Polis signed legislation to support veterans, pollinators, dark sky communities, and to allow collective bargaining for county workers. Hear some of the buzz from around the state:

SB22-199 Native Pollinating Insects Protection Study - Representatives C. Kipp | M. Froelich, Senators  S. Jaquez Lewis | K. Priola

“As a scientist, I often speak about the incredible diversity of pollinators here in Colorado and why they are so crucial to the integrity of our natural ecosystems. However, we know that pollinators are under extreme stresses from habitat loss, degradation, and climate change, and these challenges require both synthetic and comprehensive solutions to help mitigate their impacts,” said Dr. Adrian Carper, Research Associate, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at CU Museum of Natural History - University of Colorado Boulder.

“This bill creates a much needed first step, a study, to compile what we know about pollinators here in CO, how much they are at risk, and what current state policies address them. Moreover, this study will identify what information we still need to collect in order to make the most-informed decisions to ensure that we have abundant and diverse pollinator communities now and in the future,” continued Dr. Adrian Carper. 

“People & Pollinators Action Network is pleased that the state is taking this vital step toward developing a coordinated statewide approach to pollinator conservation. Leading this study will help set a framework for creating healthier and more diverse habitat to support our essential native pollinating insects,” said Joyce Kennedy, Executive Director, People and Pollinators Action Network. 

“I'm proud that our state is in the forefront of pollinator conservation. On behalf of the many pollinators in Colorado, including almost 4,000 species of native bees, 9 species of hummingbirds, 250 species of butterflies, and thousands of species of moths, beetles, and flies, thanks for passing this legislation. The information that will result from this action will be critical in understanding trends in their populations,” said Dr. David W. Inouye, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, North American Pollinator Protection Campaign. 

“As an environmental scientist that studies pollination, and a native Coloradoan that grew up surrounded by agriculture, we need a comprehensive review of our pollinator status in Colorado. The service they provide is unimaginable and vital to our own survival and the interconnectedness of our environment. I am thrilled that Colorado sees the importance of study too!,"  said Dr. Christy Briles, Associate Professor of Geography & Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Denver. 

HB22-1365 Southern Colorado Institute Of Transportation Technology At Colorado State University - Pueblo - Representative D. Esgar, Senator N. Hinrichsen 

“MxV Rail is ecstatic to support our local university in building an institute that is so closely aligned with our mission and vision. The Southern Colorado Institute of Transportation Technology will be a catalyst for building the momentum needed to make Pueblo a vibrant and thriving rail community,” said Kari Gonzales, MxV Rail President & CEO. 

"Teaching is the backbone of all other professions, and we at PEBC enthusiastically support this investment into the future of Colorado's teaching workforce. Leveraging stimulus funds to provide generous stipends for student teaching and clinical residency experiences is a smart way to address barriers to entering the teaching profession, and widen the funnel of individuals who can see themselves entering this critical workforce," said Sue Sava, President & CEO of the Public Education & Business Coalition (PEBC). 

“The addition of the Southern Colorado Institute Of Transportation Technology at CSU Pueblo is an exciting announcement.  It can only enhance the recent growth we have seen in this vital industry,” said Russell DeSalvo III, President & CEO of PuebloPlex.

SB22-230 Collective Bargaining For Counties - Representative D. Esgar, Senators S. Fenberg | D. Moreno

“Senate Bill 230 is the product of extensive negotiations among CCAT, labor representatives and the governor’s office. The result is a bill that strengthens the ability of county employees to form a union while respecting the particular needs of local governments. Boulder County is very pleased to have been able to support SB230,” said Claire Levy, Boulder County Commissioner - District 1.

"When we commit to creating good, union jobs that support workers, our families will be better off and so will our economy," said Hilary Glasgow, Executive Director of Colorado WINS. "When Coloradans have good jobs, they can pay their rent or mortgage, fill their refrigerators, and invest in the supplies their kids need to learn. When they don’t, entire communities suffer. This is a valuable opportunity for county workers to win what they need for their jobs and their families. We are so happy to see this bill pass into law.” 

“As a co-chair of Counties and Commissioners Acting Together (CCAT), I am proud of the work and effort our commissioners and staff put into SB22-230, Collective Bargaining for Counties. It achieves the balance we sought, between providing county employees the fundamental right to collectively bargain for their compensation and workplace standards, and the ability of county commissioners to fulfill our statutory duty to deliver services and programs to the residents of our counties,” said Randy Wheelock, Clear Creek County Commissioner - District 3.

HB22-1407 Veterans Audit Higher Education Course - Representatives D. Valdez | D. Ortiz, Senator N. Hinrichsen 

“I initially pitched the idea for HB 22-1407 to Governor Polis when I was an intern in his office last summer. In the time since, I’ve worked closely with State Representative Donald Valdez to move this bill through the legislative process, and I’m excited to see it cross the finish line,” said Ryan Gaghen, Legislative Aide, Office of State Representative Donald Valdez. 

HB22-1382 Support Dark Sky Designation And Promotion In Colorado - Representatives J. McCluskie | M. Catlin, Senator K. Donovan 

“Colorado's beloved dark and starry night skies are truly a treasure. This bill will give a boost to Colorado's sparkling network of dark sky places, allowing visitors and residents to care for and enjoy the nighttime world. The IDA Colorado Chapter deeply appreciates Representative McCluskie, Senator Donovan, and Representative Catlin and their staff for sponsoring this bill, and we extended gratitude to Governor Polis for recognizing the importance of dark skies and protecting the night in Colorado,” said Aaron Watson, International Dark-Sky Association Colorado Chapter Chair.