Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera Welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Visit to Peterson Space Force Base

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

COLORADO SPRINGS — Lieutenant Governor Primavera yesterday welcomed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Colorado on a visit highlighting the vital role Colorado plays in ensuring our homeland defense. Colorado is the epicenter of national security space, supporting vital missions in the space domain, with a robust and collaborative ecosystem that includes military installations and major commands, private aerospace companies, academic and research institutions, and public entities.  

“Colorado’s dynamic, collaborative, and innovative aerospace ecosystem is thriving, and I am proud to welcome Prime Minister Trudeau to our beautiful state and to showcase Colorado’s world-class aerospace industry and the critical role we play supporting vital missions in the space domain,” said Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera, who serves as the co-chair of the Colorado Space Coalition.  

Lieutenant Governor Primavera was joined by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Canadian Ambassador to the United States Kirsten Hillman, and Consul General of Canada Sylvai Fabi.

Colorado has served as America’s aerospace hub for over 60 years, employing over 274,000 people statewide. Colorado is home to over 500 companies in the aerospace ecosystem, 84% of which are small businesses. Under the Polis-Primavera administration, Colorado continues to lead the nation in employment in the private aerospace industry per capita, with Coloradans working at the forefront of aerospace innovation and collaboration across the commercial, national security, and civil space sectors.