What They’re Saying About Bills Signed by Governor Polis to Save Coloradans Money on Healthcare, Support Colorado’s Thriving Agriculture Industry, & Continue to Build a Colorado for All

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

DENVER- Governor Polis is signing bills today to protect Coloradans from unexpected healthcare costs, bolster Colorado’s hardworking behavioral health workforce, support the transition to 100% renewable energy by 2040, and elevate the Polis Administration’s bold climate goals. 

What community leaders are saying about HB22-1284 Health Insurance Surprise Billing Protections

We worked hard to establish some of the strongest consumer protections against surprise bills in Colorado in 2019 and to support the passage of the federal “No Surprises Act” to expand protections to Coloradans with federally regulated health insurance. HB22-1284 aligns the strengths of our state law with the federal law to provide additional protections to Coloradans and ensures consistent, strong protections for all Coloradans from surprise medical bills. We are thankful to the same bipartisan sponsors from 2019 for coming back together to shepherd this law through the legislature, as well as to the Administration and Division of Insurance for their support on this issue." - Adam Fox, Deputy Director, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative

What community leaders are saying about HB22-1285 Prohibit Collection Hospital Not Disclosing Prices

“Today, Governor Polis and Colorado legislators delivered critical healthcare price transparency protections to Coloradans. Patients’ right to see and compare upfront prices in healthcare is truly transformative — it will lead to better quality of care at a much lower cost, and will finally empower Coloradans to take control of their physical and financial health. Today is a great day for Colorado.”- Cynthia A. Fisher, Founder and Chairman, PatientRightsAdvocate.org

“Rising healthcare costs and associated surprise fees create barriers to entrepreneurship. This is why we are happy that Governor Jared Polis has signed HB22-1284 Health Insurance Surprise Billing Protections and HB22-1285 Prohibit Collection Hospital Not Disclosing Prices into law to increase price transparency, stop surprise hospital billing, and limit debt collections. Increasing transparency in the healthcare system is important for the Colorado small business community and their employees who struggle to afford their healthcare costs. These new laws will help boost accountability and confidence in the healthcare system while also supporting a vibrant business ecosystem.” - Lindsey Vigoda, Colorado Director, Small Business Majority

What people are saying about HB22-1205 Senior Housing Income Tax Credit

“We believe the $1000 to help low income older adults who make less than $25,000 will benefit them with the continued costs of housing. Housing for many older adults takes as much as 50 to 75% of their monthly income. We look forward to assisting as many older adults as possible to apply for this benefit. Thank you to Rep Kennedy for his support of providing additional income/tax credits to low income older adults.” - Colorado Gerontological Society

"I am thrilled with the passage of The Senior Housing Income Tax Credit. It has been a long time coming. This will provide relief to renters as well as to those who have recently moved. Just as importantly, it removes an incentive for staying in a house that is no longer suitable. I can't count the number of seniors who have told me that they would like to move but don't want to lose their tax credit. This effectively allows them to take it with them." - Scott Kersgaard, Jefferson County Assessor

What people are saying about HB22-1394 Fund Just Transition Community And Worker Supports

“Coal communities have powered the state of Colorado for generations. As we transition to other sources of energy, we have a moral obligation to ensure that coal workers and communities are not left behind. HB22-1394 helps to support the important work of the Office of Just Transition in doing just that.” - Beth Melton, Routt County Commissioner, District III

"This bill is a great example of how we can protect the environment while protecting Coloradans providing for their families. As we become a cleaner, greener state, taking care of former fossil-fuel industry workers finding new employment means they can fill their fridge, their gas tanks, and keep their money in their communities," - Hilary Glasgow, Executive Director of Colorado WINS

“I applaud Governor Polis and lawmakers for this bipartisan action to invest in Colorado’s rural economies. This initial investment sets course to develop quality jobs, new industries, and more sustainable tax revenues funding rural municipalities, police and fire departments, school districts, and other community needs. I’m encouraged by the Governor’s proactive approach and that the Office of Just Transition’s data-driven plans, implementation work, and outcome metrics will show a positive return on this investment.” -  John Bristol, MPA, CEcD, Executive Director, Routt County Economic Development Partnership

What community leaders are saying about HB22-1323 Updates To State Forest Service Tree Nursery

“HB22-1323 makes a critical, timely investment in Colorado’s future forests. One of the simplest and yet lasting ways we can improve Coloradoans’ quality of life, protect water supplies and sustain our recreation-based economy is through the planting of trees.  Colorado’s State Nursery, stewarded by the Colorado State Forest Service, is the largest supplier of Colorado-grown native trees in the region and serves as a primary source for seedlings to restore areas impacted by wildfire and insect outbreaks while also providing a low-cost resource for communities and residents alike enthusiastic about increasing Colorado’s green infrastructure. Thanks to the bill’s sponsors and with Governor Polis’ support, HB22-1323 will double production at the State Nursery and meet the ever-growing need for hearty, reliable trees for Colorado communities and Colorado forests.” -   Matthew M. McCombs State Forester & Director, Colorado State Forest Service

What people are saying about HB22-1151 Turf Replacement Program

“The city of Aurora is proud to see the enactment of HB22-1151 the Turf Replacement Bill. Water is critical to meeting life, health and safety needs. To face our future with determination and forethought, we all need to be aggressive and take the initiative to ensure that our growing communities have the water they need to thrive now and into the future. Removing non-functional turf, which can be an expensive endeavor for some homeowners, will help residents with replacing non-native grass with a more environmentally friendly water-wise landscape. As we face climate change, declining snowpack and less predictable snowpack runoff, we must all embrace water conservation in new and diverse ways. We applaud the introduction of this next step toward sustainability.” -  Mayor Mike Coffman, City of Aurora

“Aurora Water is proud to stand with Coloradans as HB22-1151 is signed into law. The turf replacement program will help residents across the state take the first step toward removing non-native thirsty turf, also known as Kentucky bluegrass, which can be replaced with a beautiful water-wise landscape option. Approximately half of the annual water use goes outside for irrigation. Aurora has embraced a strong water conservation ethic for decades by offering numerous programs to help residents save water. By using water efficiently and effectively, we can all help ensure that water is being used in the most economic and environmentally responsible way.” - Marshall Brown, General Manager of Aurora Water

“All Coloradans have a role to play in responding to the effects of climate change and fighting for Colorado’s water future. This important new law  provides meaningful incentives for the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf with water-wise landscaping, increasing communities’ resilience to drought, and promoting efficient use of our state’s precious water resources. We applaud the bill’s sponsors for their advocacy and leadership, and Governor Polis for signing it into law.  We’re anxious to begin working on implementation to help ensure Colorado’s water future.” – Josh Kuhn, Conservation Colorado Water Advocate

"Turf replacement is an important component of supporting and enhancing vibrant communities and resilient planning - core focus areas of the Colorado Water Plan," "This funding has the potential to show how larger scale turf replacement efforts can be a pillar of community water efficiency and drought resilience." - Colorado Water Conservation Board Director Becky Mitchell.