Colorado Leaders Cheer Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap

Thursday, January 14, 2021

DENVER - Following Governor Jared Polis release of Colorado’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap environmental, business, clean energy, public health leaders and experts from across the state praised the roadmap.

Governor Polis has made bold climate action and achieving 100% renewable energy by 2040 a top priority for his administration. Here’s what they’re saying: 

"The steps called for in the Roadmap will have immediate benefits for public health in Colorado, helping to control Colorado’s air pollution that particularly harms some of our most vulnerable Coloradans," said Dr. Jonathan Samet, Dean and Professor at the Colorado School of Public Health.  "For the longer-term, our state is starting down a path of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that is needed to protect our planet."

“Colorado should act on this Pollution Reduction Roadmap right away,” said Howard Geller, Executive Director of the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project. “Many of the steps it identifies will protect our climate, improve our health and save us money – in particular through policies that will advance energy efficiency in buildings and put more EVs on the road. There’s a lot of work to do and no time to waste.”

"Under Governor Polis' leadership, Colorado has taken big strides towards our clean energy future," said Mike Kruger, President & CEO of the Colorado Solar and Storage Association. "The Greenhouse Roadmap lays out a number of critical steps to advance pollution reduction across our economy. The foundation for decarbonizing our economy is expanding renewable generation and energy storage deployment to ensure cleaner air, lower electricity rates and lasting economic growth."  

"AEE thanks the Administration and state agencies for their commitment to Colorado’s clean energy and climate goals. The GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap lays out an important plan that combined with strong public and private investment will help drive impactful reductions in pollution from transportation, buildings, and industry,” said Emilie Olsen, Principal at national business group Advanced Energy Economy (AEE). “Setting clear and consistent forward-looking goals will create a better investment environment for Colorado’s clean energy businesses and provide all industry with the regulatory certainty they need. The advanced energy industry stands ready to work with the state to implement these fundamentals and to move forward with urgency to achieve Colorado’s goals while expanding jobs, entrepreneurship and economic opportunity throughout the state." 

“Climate change is already impacting Colorado communities, our natural resources, and how we do business in our state. We need immediate action to address the climate crisis. We are pleased to see that the state has released the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Pollution Reduction Roadmap and has laid out some of the tangible, near-term actions necessary to reduce Colorado's GHG emissions. We look forward to working with Governor Polis, his administration, and the legislature to swiftly develop enforceable climate policies that reduce emissions and make Colorado exemplary in its work to tackle change. We encourage the state to complete the Climate Equity Framework to provide robust engagement from disproportionately impacted communities to ensure an equitable and just result.” - Gail Klapper, President, the Colorado Forum, and Carlos Fernandez, Colorado State Director, The Nature Conservancy, on behalf of the Healthy Colorado Initiative.

(The Healthy Colorado Initiative is a partnership between the Colorado Forum and The Nature Conservancy in Colorado focused on addressing climate change.)