Governor Polis and Colorado Parks and Wildlife Celebrate Opportunity with Local and Federal Partners to Explore Recreation Management on Pikes Peak - America’s Mountain

Monday, February 10, 2025

COLORADO SPRINGS – Today, Governor Polis joined Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and local and federal partners to explore management of recreation management opportunities on Pikes Peak – America’s Mountain. The partnership follows years of work by CPW and the local and federal agencies and has its roots in an Executive Order the governor signed in 2020 creating the Regional Partnerships Initiative (RPI). Governor Polis believes the partnership could result in a Pikes Peak Recreation Area managed by CPW that would improve the existing outdoor amenities on the mountain and create new ones. 

“This is exactly the type of collaboration we hoped to inspire when I signed the Regional Partnerships Initiative in 2020,” Governor Polis said. “We deserve an amazing statewide vision of world-class outdoor recreation while preserving Colorado’s wildlife, habitat and quality of life. The possibility of a Pikes Peak Recreation Area fits that vision perfectly.” 

The Governor was in town to visit with the local and federal officials who initiated the partnership by sending CPW Director Jeff Davis a Letter of Intent (LOI) asking to begin discussions about the possibility of CPW managing and expanding recreational opportunities on the mountain. 

“CPW is excited to begin serious talks with local and federal partners about managing outdoor recreation on Pikes Peak,” said CPW Director Davis. “One of the pillars of CPW’s mission is to provide enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire current and future generations to serve as active stewards of Colorado's natural resources. We believe we have a lot to offer to the many people who already seek out Pikes Peak for outstanding outdoor recreation opportunities. I’m hopeful and confident we can reach an agreement that benefits all the partners.” 

The LOI was signed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the City of Manitou Springs, the City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services office, Pikes Peak America’s Mountain municipal enterprise, Colorado Springs Utilities, El Paso County, Teller County and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Forest Service, Pike-San Isabel National Forests and the Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, who released the following shared statement: 

“As partners and land managers in the Pikes Peak Region, we look forward to working closely with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to leverage their support and expertise as we explore strategies to define, develop, and manage the Ring the Peak corridor and enhance recreation opportunities on Pikes Peak. Together, we are committed to sustainable land management practices while offering recreation opportunities and ensuring the conservation of wildlife and protection of their habitats.” 

Governor Polis has made expansion and enhancement of recreation opportunities across Colorado a priority and he is excited at the prospect of a partnership that would bring CPW’s management expertise to Pikes Peak. 

“Now the partners need to get to work drafting a long-term agreement with CPW,” Governor Polis said, adding that he would like to see a multi-year plan to enhance camping, fishing, hiking and other recreational amenities on the mountain. 

CPW views its potential role on Pikes Peak similar to its management of the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area where the state agency partners with federal agencies to run campgrounds and manage hiking, boating and other activities. 

The governor was joined by LOI partners and representatives of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA), which has been the driving force that began working in 2021 to bring together the federal, state and municipal partners that ultimately signed the LOI. 

The group, led by Becky Leinweber, PPORA executive director, collaborated with outdoor businesses, nonprofits, government entities and individuals who recognize the value of our region’s natural and recreation assets to our community both as an economic driver and for our health and well-being. They identified America’s Mountain as their primary focus and hammered out the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative. 

“Our collaboration has been instrumental in advancing outdoor priorities,” Leinweber said. “We are grateful to the many partners who have continued to engage, build relationships, and work together through the last three years of planning work and for exploring innovative solutions for complex challenges, including this one for improved management.” 

While Governor Polis and CPW are committed to expanding camping, fishing, hiking and other outdoor recreation opportunities on Pikes Peak, the partnership in the LOI is focused in particular in getting CPW’s leadership to complete the “Ring the Peak Trail.” 

“We look forward to working closely with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to leverage their support and expertise as we explore strategies to complete the remaining segments of the Ring the Peak Trail and enhance recreation opportunities on Pikes Peak,” the partners said in a joint statement. “Together, we are committed to sustainable land management practices while offering recreation opportunities and ensuring the conservation of wildlife and protection of their habitats.” 
