Governor Polis and Lt. Governor Primavera Visit Aerospace Businesses as Part of Powering the Comeback Tour

Monday, August 9, 2021

DENVER — Governor Polis and Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera continued the Powering the Comeback Tour by visiting Maxar Technologies and Sierra Space, two aerospace businesses that support engineering and manufacturing jobs in the state and continue to ensure Colorado is the national epicenter for aerospace. 

“Colorado is the best state to live, work, and do business in, so it is no wonder that we have become home to companies that literally shoot for the stars. It was great to see firsthand the innovative technologies being developed right here in Colorado and the jobs the industry supports,” said Governor Polis. 

The state’s unique blend of military installations and commands, private aerospace companies, academic and research institutions and government entities has propelled Colorado to become the second-largest aerospace economy in the United States, and top in the nation for private aerospace employment per capita, with more than 33,000 direct jobs and counting as more companies continue moving to Colorado. 

“Coloradans have always been a national and global leader in aerospace,” added Lt. Governor Primavera. “As our growing aerospace economy continues to boom, our administration is working hard to expand support for this critical industry and workforce. Companies like Maxar Technologies and Sierra Space know that Colorado is the home for aerospace in the United States. It was so exciting to see some of their amazing work today.” 

Gov. Polis and Lt. Governor Primavera and State Senator Faith Winter spoke with officials from MAXAR, a Colorado company located in Westminster that is a world leader in geospatial imagery and provides operational support to operating communications satellites worldwide. 35 of the company’s satellites are stationed above the U.S. and provide critical communications to the U.S. Government, television and radio networks and Emergency Responders. 

The Governor and Lt. Governor then headed to Louisville to visit Sierra Space, a cutting-edge Colorado company, and an aerospace leader employing nearly 2,000 aerospace workers in Colorado. The Governor and Lt. Governor were joined by State Representative Tracey Bernett.