Governor Polis Applauds Biden Administration & FERC for New Electric Transmission Rule

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

DENVER - The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced a new rule this week that requires utilities and regional transmission organizations to develop plans to ensure the energy grid can support renewable, lower-cost energy sources, including wind, solar, and storage projects.

Governor Jared Polis made the following statement about this new action from the Biden administration:

“Colorado is a national leader in climate action and this new rule will build on the work we’ve done to support air quality, reduce pollution, and utilize cleaner, low-cost renewable energy. FERC and the Biden Administration share our commitment to protecting air quality and saving people money, and this rule reflects that. This is an important step in delivering a more reliable, cost-efficient and cleaner grid that cuts costs for consumers. I applaud this action.”
