Governor Polis Applauds President Biden For Action on Immigration

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

DENVER - Today, Governor Polis applauded President Biden for taking action on immigration, including steps to secure the border and support interior states. Governor Polis continues to call on Congress to take action and pass comprehensive immigration reform.

“President Biden is stepping up to meaningfully address immigration challenges and improve border security while Congressional Republicans sit idly by and continue playing politics that Americans are tired of. I applaud President Biden's leadership and urge Congress to join President Biden in putting people over politics to secure our border and reform our broken immigration system,” said Governor Polis.

Governor Polis has repeatedly called on Congress to take comprehensive action on immigration reform, including as Vice-Chair of the National Governors Association. In November of 2023, he urged Congress to pass the White House’s supplemental budget request to Congress to provide resources to interior states, and in May 2023 he joined the former Denver Mayor to urge federal action to provide support for states to help navigate immigration challenges. He was also a strong advocate for the Biden administration to grant Temporary Protected Status for new arrivals and applauded the action when it came in September of 2023.
