Governor Polis, Colorado WINS Leadership Sign New Partnership Agreement

Monday, September 23, 2024

DENVER - Today, Governor Polis and leadership from Colorado WINS signed the new partnership agreement after the agreement was ratified by members. The new agreement goes into effect today and includes predictable wage increases, further clarity on working conditions including schedules and hiring, as well as language that strengthens the labor-management relationship. It also includes the initial statewide Partnership Agreement in 2021, the wage reopener in 2022, and State entity agreements with individual agencies and Institutions of Higher Education to improve compensation, working conditions, and opportunities for State employees. 

“We are thrilled to sign this agreement today, making state government more efficient and supporting Colorado’s incredible state workforce. Our dedicated state employees go above and beyond to give back to our communities and people around our state, and this agreement helps provide greater certainty around pay, schedules, hiring and more. I want to thank Colorado WINS for their partnership on this agreement and look forward to the benefits state employees will receive from it,” said Governor Jared Polis. 

“Our members voted 97% in favor of this agreement because it is a step forward on the long road to improving working conditions for state workers, which is critical if we want to retain and attract the talent we need to deliver the best possible services to Coloradans,” said Colorado WINS President Skip Miller. 

“This is a step forward for all Coloradans, because when state jobs get better, state services get better too. Our members are also hopeful because this agreement commits us to working together on outstanding issues like better recognition for long term service and housing solutions that make it possible for state workers to be able to afford to live where they work. If successful, that work will go a long way to truly making the state an employer of choice,” said Hilary Glasgow, Colorado WINS Executive Director. 

The agreement builds on the Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and Service Act, passed in 2020 and signed into law by Governor Polis, which recognized Colorado WINS as the certified employee organization for the 27,100 covered State employees who work across 23 Colorado state departments and 24 Institutes of Higher Education. 

Read the Partnership Agreement here.