Governor Polis Releases Statement On Supreme Court Decision That Protects Access to Mifepristone

Friday, June 14, 2024

DENVER - Today, Governor Polis released the following statement on the Supreme Court's unanimous decision to reject this baseless challenge which will protect freedom and choice and ensure access to Mifepristone.

“Following the dangerous Dobbs decision, at a time when reproductive freedom is under constant attack, this decision provides a moment of relief to Coloradans. In Colorado, we respect and have enshrined the right to choose and reject extremist politics that seek to strip healthcare access from millions of Americans. Now Coloradans can rest assured that we still have access to this safe and effective, FDA-approved drug,” said Colorado Governor Jared Polis.

In 2023, Colorado joined the Reproductive Freedom Alliance, the largest such coalition ever, to protect and expand reproductive freedoms. In 2022, Governor Polis signed legislation to codify the right to choose in Colorado and took executive action directing state agencies to safeguard Coloradans’ privacy and protect reproductive healthcare in the state.
