Governor Polis Signs Bills Into Law

Thursday, June 6, 2024


DENVER - Today Governor Polis signed the following bills into law administratively. 


“For far too long, youth with complex behavioral health needs haven’t been able to get the treatment services they need in Colorado. I’m proud to say that, with the signing of HB24-1038, that’s about to change,” said Michelle Barnes, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Human Services. “We are expanding our capacity to care for our youth, keeping them close to their families and support systems, and removing barriers for providers.”

"This bill improves the ability to connect Colorado’s children and youth who have complex behavioral health needs to the high quality services that will help them thrive,” said Kim Bimestefer, Executive Director, Department of Health Care Policy & Financing. “It also helps families coordinate care across multiple services and supports.”

“Supporting the children and youth of Colorado is central to the Behavioral Health Administration’s mission, and the Polis Administration’s vision for a healthier Colorado for all. This bill is an important step in achieving the goals outlined in our Children and Youth Behavioral Health Implementation Plan, which was published earlier this year, and supporting our work to address the high-acuity behavioral health needs among kids in our state”, said Dannette R. Smith, BHA Commissioner. “BHA is proud to partner with our sister agencies to ensure children and youth receive the high-quality care they need, when and where they need it.”

