DENVER - Today, joined by bill sponsors, Governor Polis signed SB25-019 -Modernization of the State Plane Coordinate System, sponsored by Senators Janice Rich and Marc Snyder, and Representatives Bob Marshall and Matt Soper, a bipartisan bill.
“From building new homes to carving a new hiking trail, expanding rail lines, or updating the digital maps Coloradans use every day, we need accurate data from surveyors to understand the world around us. By ensuring Colorado surveyors can use the most up to date state plane coordinate system, they can provide reliable data, giving us a better understanding of the Colorado we all love,” said Governor Polis.
Governor Polis also signed the following bills into law administratively.
- SB25-082 - Enactment of CRS 2024, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales and Lisa Frizell, and Representatives Junie Joseph and Matt Soper
- SB25-010 - Electronic Communications in Health Care, sponsored by Senators Kyle Mullica and Byron Pelton, and Representative Kyle Brown
- HB25-1034 - Changes to Dangerous Dog Statute, sponsored by Representatives Karen McCormick and Lori Garcia Sander, and Senators Lindsey Daugherty and Larry Liston
- HB25-1058 - Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Defense, sponsored by Representatives Mary Bradfield and Regina English, and Senators Dafna Michaelson Jenet and Judy Amabile
- HB25-1076 - Motor Vehicle Regulation Administration, sponsored by Representatives Andrew Boesenecker and Mandy Lindsay, and Senators Lisa Cutter and Cleave Simpson
- HB25-1050 - Regional County Jail Approach, sponsored by Representative Lorena Garcia, and Senator Judy Amabile ###