Governor Polis Signs Bills Into Law to Support Mental Health, Save People Money on Energy, & Deploy More Broadband

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

FORT COLLINS - Today, Governor Polis traveled to Northern Colorado to sign bills into law. Governor Polis visited North Range Behavioral Health in Greeley with bill sponsors to sign bills that support Colorado’s healthcare workforce and ensure Coloradans have access to the care and healthcare information they need.

  • SB24-115 - Mental Health Professionals Practice Requirements, sponsored by Senators Dafna Michaelson Jenet and Jim Smallwood, and Representatives Mary Young and Emily Sirota.

“We are breaking down unnecessary barriers to enter our healthcare workforce and ensuring Coloradans are provided accessible healthcare information, getting Coloradans the care they need,” said Governor Polis.

Governor Polis then visited Fort Collins City Hall where he signed legislation to save Coloradans money on their energy bills and ensure Coloradans have broadband access no matter where they live.

  • HB24-1370 - Reduce Cost of Use of Natural Gas, sponsored by Representatives Cathy Kipp and Jenny Willford, and Senator Faith Winter.

“This bill helps Coloradans lower energy costs and encourages increased use of renewable energy resources, like geothermal energy. This will give local governments the tools they need to make life more affordable and sustainable,” said Governor Polis.

  • HB24-1334 - Broadband Service for Multiunit Buildings, sponsored by Representative Andrew Boesnecker and Senator Chris Hansen.
  • HB24-1336 - Sunset Broadband Deployment, sponsored by Representatives Jennifer Parenti and Ron Weinberg, and Senators Robert Rodriguez and Kevin Priola.

“Reliable internet access is a basic need and today we are moving closer to connecting 99% of Coloradans to affordable, high-speed broadband,” said Governor Polis.

Later today, Governor Polis will travel to Boulder to sign bills that will increase Coloradans' access to clean energy technology and give local governments the tools to protect their communities.

  • SB24-207 - Access to Distributed Generation, sponsored by Senators Steve Fenberg and Chris Hansen, and Representatives Matt Soper and Alex Valdez.
  • SB24-218 - Modernize Energy Distribution Systems, sponsored by Senators Chris Hansen and Steve Fenberg, and Representatives Monica Duran and Kyle Brown. 
  • SB24-185 - Protections Mineral Interest Owners Forced Pooling, sponsored by Senator Steve Fenberg and Representative Judy Amabile.

“Today we are taking action to increase sustainable clean energy solutions in our communities. Now Coloradans will have greater access to community solar, support our utility workforce, make our communities more sustainable, and more. I am excited to sign these bills into law to help Colorado reach its bold climate goals,” said Governor Polis.
