Governor Polis Signs Historic Bills Into Law Protecting Colorado’s Air Quality and Expanding Access to Reliable, Low-Cost Transportation

Thursday, May 16, 2024

DENVER - Today, Governor Polis, joined by bill sponsors, signed historic legislation that protects Colorado’s air quality and makes major investments to expand Colorado’s transportation network to provide Coloradans with the convenient, affordable, and safe transit options they deserve. 

During a ceremony at Westminster Station, Governor Polis signed SB24-229 - Ozone Mitigation Measures, sponsored by Senators Faith Winter and Kevin Priola, and Representatives Jennifer Bacon and Jenny Willford, and SB24-230 - Oil & Gas Production Fees, sponsored by Senators Steve Fenberg and Lisa Cutter, and Representatives Julie McCluskie and Elizabeth Velasco into law. 

“Today we are taking bold action to protect our environment and set Colorado on a path for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future. This landmark legislation brought together the oil and gas industry and environmental advocates to protect our air quality while making historic investments in public transportation. I am excited to see the ways these investments will improve our air quality and modernize transportation and transit in our great state,” said Governor Jared Polis. 

Governor Polis then boarded the B-Line RTD Train to Union Station. While aboard the train Governor Polis signed SB24-032 - Methods to Increase the Use of Transit, sponsored by Senators Kevin Priola and Faith Winter, and Representatives Stephanie Vigil and Julia Marvin. This bill will provide funding for the Zero Fare for Youth and Zero Fair for Better Air initiatives, which increase access to free public transportation, helping reduce traffic and protect air quality. This bill will also allow transit agencies to continue the successful Zero Fare for Clean Air initiative for the third consecutive year. 

“The bills I’m signing today will give Coloradans the transportation options they need to get where they need to go, saving them time and money. Expanding access to affordable or free transportation is an important tool to make the future in Colorado more affordable, sustainable, and liveable,” said Governor Polis.

After arriving at Union Station, Governor Polis signed SB24-184 - Support Surface Transportation Infrastructure Development, sponsored by Senators Steve Fenberg and Janice Marchman, and Representatives Julie McCluskie and Andrew Boesenecker. This legislation will provide another important funding stream to increase access to reliable, low-cost transit for Coloradans. The Governor released a signing statement related to SB24-184. 

“Front Range Passenger Rail is a critical way to make Colorado more sustainable, affordable, and liveable. High-quality service will allow Coloradans from every corner of our state to travel with ease to enjoy everything our communities have to offer. Today we are closer to this reality than ever,” said Governor Jared Polis. 
