Governor’s Office releases statement on Denver Public Schools and the Denver Classroom Teachers Association

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

DENVER — Today the Governor’s Office released a statement regarding Denver Public Schools and the Denver Classroom Teachers Association:

“Today, the Governor met with both Denver Public Schools and the Denver Classroom Teachers Association. In their meeting with the governor, Denver Public Schools submitted a formal request for intervention.The Denver Classroom Teachers Association now has up to ten days to respond to the request. Once the Denver Classroom Teachers Association responds, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment will review the facts and will make a decision on whether or not to intervene within fourteen days.

“At this point, the Governor has not made a decision to intervene. The Governor and the Department of Labor and Employment will continue to engage both sides and encourage both sides to return to the table and continue Negotiating on a path forward.

“The Department of Labor and Employment will keep the public updated on a daily basis at”
