Providing Immediate Relief, Putting Money back in Taxpayers Pockets : Gov. Polis Signs Colorado Cash Back Bill into Law

Monday, May 23, 2022

In Pueblo, Governor to sign Rep. Daneya Esgar’s Family Affirmation Act In Center, Governor to Sign Bills to Protect Colorado’s Water

PUEBLO - This morning at the State Capitol, Gov. Polis signed a new law to give Coloradans tax rebates of at least $500 for individual filers and $1000 for joint filers by this summer. This new law will provide immediate relief to Coloradans, providing tax refunds by the summer of 2022 instead of the Spring of 2023. 

“We are providing immediate relief for hardworking Coloradans by sending rebate checks back quickly because there’s no reason the government should hold onto your hard earned money any longer than it has to. We are helping Coloradans deal with inflation by getting people back their hard earned money this summer - at least $500 for individuals and $1000 for joint filers - to help pay for everyday items and support themselves and their families,” said Governor Polis. 

This $500 estimated amount per person is based on actual state revenues through April, and could be revised upwards in mid-June based on May actuals.

Under Governor Polis’s leadership, Colorado is helping save people money and  providing immediate relief. This new law signed by Gov. Polis will add to the savings from the comprehensive tax reform legislation passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Polis last year that is putting money back into the pockets of Coloradans this year.  By repealing tax loopholes for large corporations and millionaires, Gov. Polis and Democratic lawmakers secured hundreds of millions of dollars in tax relief for hard working Coloradans, seniors and small businesses. One week ago, Gov. Polis signed a new law cutting property taxes for Coloradans and businesses to help save them money.  

Governor Polis in partnership with the state legislature has continued fighting to save people money. Free full day kindergarten is saving Colorado families roughly $500 per month and universal preschool will soon save families an average of $4300 per year. Gov. Polis has cut taxes for small businesses and property taxes for homeowners, ended state taxes on social security, proposed relief on drivers license fees and vehicle registration fees, and is proposing to make it free for Coloradans to start their own businesses.

Under this new law, all eligible Colorado income tax filers will receive their rebate directly in the mail in August or September.  This rebate is available for all full time residents who have filed their 2021 tax returns by June 30th, 2022 which is about 3.1 million people. 

If an individual or joint filer files before June 30 then they will receive their check in August or early September. If an individual or joint filer files after June 30 but by the extended filing deadline on October 17 then they get their check in January 2023. 

This afternoon in Pueblo Gov. Polis will sign  HB22-1153 to Affirm Parentage Adoption In Assisted Reproduction sponsored by House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar and Rep. Kerry Tipper and Senators Jeff Bridges and Dominick Moreno. 

Then in the San Luis Valley, Gov. Polis will sign new bipartisan laws to help protect Colorado’s water, SB22-028 Groundwater Compact Compliance Fund sponsored by Senators Cleave Simpson  and Jerry Sonnenberg  and Representatives Dylan Roberts and Marc  Catlin and HB22-1316 Colorado Water Conservation Board Construction Fund Project sponsored by Reps. Karen McCormick Marc Catlin and Senators Kerry Donovan and Cleave Simpson. 

Later this afternoon in Center, Gov. Polis, Colorado Department of Agriculture Commissioner Kate Greenberg will join the U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Jenny Lester Moffitt, and Jim Ehrlich of the Colorado Potato Association for a major announcement that greatly benefits  Colorado’s agriculture community. 

