

Find and compare the health facilities we regulate across the state of Colorado.

Linkage to care (LTC) is an on-going process where professionals help people with a new HIV-positive diagnosis, or HIV-positive people currently out of care, navigate the early stages of treatment.

Quitting tobacco is a process. Whether you are thinking about quitting, are not yet ready to quit, or have already quit, Colorado QuitLine can help you with each step of the way.

Access the Child and Adult Care Food Program's (CACFP) online application and reimbursement system.

Tobacco Free Colorado is a project of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) State Tobacco Education, Prevention and Cessation Program. The program supports public health organizations, policymakers and advocates to implement tobacco cessation and…

Review information on health and health care coverage in Colorado.

Coloradans can apply for Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus any time of the year. Unlike employer-sponsored coverage or the Connect for Health Colorado marketplace exchange, there is no “enrollment period.” Apply online any hour of the day, upload needed&nbsp…

Colorado Shines is a quality rating and improvement system that monitors and supports early learning programs. Its primary functions are to help participating programs and professionals improve their quality through assessment, training and tools, and to connect Colorado families with quality child…

View demographic graphs and charts for various datasets by county.

View crime statistics presented in interactive displays across several categories by the Office of Research and Statistics.

At the request of legislative staff, the Office of Research and Statistics (ORS) compiles and distributes quarterly totals of the Colorado adult offender populations.

The Health Insurance Marketplace for Coloradans: Connect for Health Colorado works to expand access, affordability and choice for individuals purchasing health insurance throughout our state.

This site is used to register, notify, and inform individuals who are interested in volunteering in the event of an accidental or intentional emergency, or other public or health care disaster. This site can also be used to register and notify other industries in the event of an emergency.

Subscribe to receive the latest news and update alerts from Safe2Tell.

Safe2Tell provides an anonymous way for students, parents, school staff and community members to report concerns regarding their safety or the safety of others.

Search for an inmate in the Colorado Department of Corrections' database.

This page is for providers to submit an emergent request to add a baby to an existing Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) case. An emergent request is only for babies who need intensive medical attention for Border, SYNAGIS, or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

The Colorado Division of Child Support Services (CSS) works with parents and caretakers to make sure all Colorado kids get the financial support they need to thrive. Apply for Colorado Child Support Services online.

Using the online letter request form, a "Military Retirement" letter can be requested form the Governor. Military retirement letters thank a member of the armed forces for their service to the people of Colorado and the United States.

Explore various employment resources made available by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.