
About Us - Air Toxics & Ozone Precursor Section [ATOPS]

Program Manager - Jason Schroder (interim)

ATOPS is a program within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) that is responsible for ambient air monitoring of air toxics, ozone precursor, and targeted emissions throughout the state.

This program deploys a number of different highly sophisticated cutting-edge monitoring platforms to address a wide variety of emission monitoring objectives. Data collected from this program:

  • supports the evaluation of potential health risks to community members from emissions by health professionals
  • supports our understanding of long term trends in air toxics emissions, on both the national and state wide scale, which is important for evaluating if existing regulations are positively impacting regional emission levels, and identifying which pollutants are of the greatest concern for community exposures
  • supports regulation writers with data driven evidence of emissions to hold facilities accountable

What do we monitor?

Insert NATTS Picture Insert COATTS Picture Insert FM Picture
National Air Toxics Trends Monitoring State Air Toxics Trends Monitoring Fenceline Air Toxics Monitoring
Insert CM Picture Insert O&G Picture Insert O3 Precursor Picture
Community Air Toxics Monitoring Oil & Gas Activity Monitoring Ozone Precursor Monitoring
Insert Special Study Picture
Targeted Emissions