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Technical Documents & Reports

Annual Reports
5-Year Network Assessments
Network Modifications
BART Modeling
Carbon Monoxide
Exceptional Events
Ozone (1-hour) Denver Metro Area Ozone Redesignation TSD
Ozone (8-hour) Denver Metro Area/North Front Range 8-Hour Ozone SIP TSD
Ozone (8-hour) Denver Ozone Early Action Compact (EAC) TSD
Particulate Matter
PSD Increment

Annual Air Quality Data Reports
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Annual Network Plans

5-Year Network Assessments
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Network Modifications
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  • No network modifications are currently open for public comment.
BART Modeling Documents and Files (see Colorado's main regional haze website):
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Carbon Monoxide Technical Support Documents:
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  • Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Revision for the Longmont Attainment Area [2005Longmont_TSD.pdf] (523k), (December 2005)
  • Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Revision for the Denver-Boulder Attainment Area [DenCOtsd2005 Revised Dec 12.pdf] (656k), (December 2005)
  • Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Revision for the Denver-Boulder Attainment Area [TSD.pdf] (509k), (June 2003)
  • Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Revision for the Greeley Attainment Area [GreeleyFinalTSDr.pdf] (2,300k), (December 19, 2002)
  • Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Revision for the Colorado Springs Attainment Area [ColoSprings.pdf] (800k), (December 2003)
  • Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Revision for the Longmont Attainment Area [longmont.pdf] (523k), (December 2003 )
  • Appendix [tsd_app_long.zip] (3000k)
  • Ft Collins, Colorado Carbon Monoxide Redesignation request and maintenance plan for the Fort Collins Non-Attainment Area. (June 16,2002) [FCdraftTSDRev.pdf] (PDF Format, 12218k, 105 pages)
  • Technical Support Document - Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Denver Metropolitan Area [codenfnl.pdf] (1,632k) (January 4, 2000)
    • Appendices (10/7/99) [codenapp.pdf] (1,849k) (January 4, 2000)
Exceptional Events:
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  • Pueblo, Colorado Air Toxics Special Study Around the Rocky Mountain Steel Mill. May 2002 through December 2002. [ PuebloAirToxics.pdf] (PDF Format, 1993k, 80 pages)
  • Hygiene, Colorado PM10 Receptor Modeling Study: A study of the contribution of air pollution sources to particulate matter in Hygiene, Colorado. September, 2000. [hygiene.pdf] (PDF Format, 560k, 40 pages)
  • 2001-2002 Report of Urban Air Toxics In Denver. [UrbanAirToxicsFinal.pdf] (Appendices available on request)
  • 2002-2003 Report of Urban Air Toxics In Denver. [DenverAirToxics2002-2003_final.pdf] (Appendices available on request)
  • An Evaluation of Federal Land Manager Activities that may Impact Air Quality Related Values in Class I Areas (November 21, 1995) [flmvis.pdf] (170k)
  • Grand Junction Air Toxics Trends Reports
  • Grand Junction 2001-2002 Air Toxics Pilot Project Report. (6,528k, 142 pages) [GJ2002AirToxicsReport.pdf]
Ozone (1-hour) Denver Metro Area Ozone Redesignation TSD:
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Ozone (8-hour) Denver Metro Area/North Front Range 8-Hour Ozone SIP TSD:
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Ozone (8-hour) Denver Ozone Early Action Compact (EAC) TSD:
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  • Denver Early Action Ozone Compact Technical Support Documents [EAC-TSD] [EAC_SIP_031104-aqcc_DRAFT.pdf] (February, 2004)
  • Air Quality Modeling Analysis for Denver - Ozone Source Apportionment Modeling[OSA.pdf](1589k)
Particulate Matter Technical Support Document - Denver:
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Particulate Matter Technical Support Document - Cañon City:
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PSD Increment:
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  • Periodic Assessment of Nitrogen Dioxide PSD Increment Consumption in SW Colorado - Phase I Report" (October 1999) [no2swcf1b.pdf] (~12.95 mb)

For more documents generated by the Technical Services Program, try the other links on the Technical Services Home Page.

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment/APCD/Technical Services Program
visit us at: http://www.colorado.gov/airquality - all data are preliminary