DENVER - Gov. Polis and the COVID Relief Fund today announced the fourth round of grants. This round of funding provided a total of $2.97 million to 145 community-based organizations serving Coloradans who are being disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Funds were distributed for this round in the Impact and Recovery priority areas.
DENVER – Today, Governor Polis announced that the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will mobilize more than 800 AmeriCorps and Senior Corps members to support the State of Colorado’s COVID-19 response. The national service members will conduct contact tracing and other work important to helping Colorado reopen and getting people back to work. As the state increases COVID-19 testing and continues reopening in phases, tracing the contacts of each positive case will be key to containing the virus and keeping our economies open.
DENVER - Governor Jared Polis today provided an update on the state’s response to COVID-19 and discussed Safer at Home and In the Vast, Great Outdoors. The Governor also addressed the senseless murder of George Floyd and demonstrations in Denver and across the country.
DENVER - Governor Jared Polis took further action to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gov. Polis signed Executive Order D 2020-089, extending the temporary suspension of certain statutes concerning taxpayer filing requirements for certain taxable property.
The Governor also signed Executive Order D 2020-090, allowing food trucks to operate at rest areas to support the movement of commercial vehicle activities.
DENVER - Governor Jared Polis released the following statement:
“Friday’s demonstrations against the senseless killing of George Floyd and far too many innocent black Americans before him began as a peaceful day time protest and unfortunately shifted into disorder late into the evening. It appears the disruptors that caused damage throughout the city were not necessarily the same peaceful protesters from the day time. Unfortunately, because of a few individuals who were more focused on causing unrest and damage rather than advocating for justice, people awoke to images of smashed out windows, graffiti, and the smell of tear gas. We are all filled with grief about the unjust murder of George Floyd and I stand ready to join hands with those hurting today as we peacefully work for justice. Today is a new day and it is my hope and the hope of all Coloradans that any future demonstrations remain peaceful. To those peacefully protesting at a safe social distance, know that I see you and I am listening. Mayor Hancock has requested the support of the National Guard to help keep people safe and prevent further destruction and I have granted that request.”
The Governor authorized the Colorado National Guard to support the city and county of Denver with public safety activities through the weekend. This is a different mission and different guardsmen and women than National Guard’s COVID-19 mission support, and the work of other Guard units on the COVID-19 response continues uninterrupted.
DENVER - Governor Jared Polis released the following statement after incidents of violence took place in the city of Denver during a peaceful protest.
“Tonight is a very sad night for our state. While we are still uncovering all of the facts about what took place, a protest regarding the killing of George Floyd devolved into vandalism and violence, and I was absolutely shocked by video evidence of a motorist attempting to run over a protestor. Coloradans are better than this. I share the immense anguish we all feel about the unjust murder of George Floyd. But let me be clear, senseless violence will never be healed by more violence.
“These are extremely difficult times for our state, country, and world. Now more than ever we need to lift each other up and do right by each other. I ask everyone to make their voice heard peacefully and to turn their anger into advocacy and action -- never violence.”